
Les actualités et informations générales sur le Togo

Togo : Once again the regime of Faure Gnassingbe has demonstrated how wicked they are


The UK Togolese Diaspora Movement Board assembled today Sunday the 9th of December 2018 in Paris has condemned the acts of violence against innocent civilians who were protesting yesterday peacefully against the violations of Human Rights and are asking for constitutional, institutional and electoral reforms to be implemented.

Once again the regime of Faure Gnassingbe has demonstrated how wicked they are, killing a twelve year old and causing, as of today, at least 5 deaths and several life threatening injuries amongst the civilians who were protesting yesterday peacefully against the violations of Human Rights.

Our hearts go out to families and friends who once again are victims of this regime. The government of Faure Gnassingbe has never implemented any reforms in Togo, and this is why the civilians are protesting asking for justice.
At this moment in point, at this moment of grievance, at this moment of uncertainty and naturally highly charged emotions we The Togolese Diaspora Movement (UK-TDM) are appealing to the International Community, appealing in particular to The ECOWAS to exercise all their Powers in ensuring that the Togolese civilians can exercise their Rights without any intimidations.

We are asking every Togolese in Togo to remain vigilant, determined and fight for what we believe is justice.
The UK Togolese Diaspora Movement is appealing to the wider Togolese Diaspora so that we can put an end to the genocide in Togo.

Paris, the 9th December 2018

For the UK Togolese Diaspora Movement
Thank You
The Chair
Paul Silly